Sorina Monica ANDREI

Sorina Monica Andrei

Coordinator of ITL Institute for Romania
CELTA Cambridge teacher; Master's Degree in Corporate Communication (Management of Communication and Human Resources) and Bachelor's degree in English language and literature, University of Bucharest, Romania.

With a wide experience of 15 years of teaching English to all educational levels (primary, lower secondary, high school and adult education), 3 in-service trainings attended in the UK (2011 - 2013) and one on critical thinking organized by Oregon University, US (2013) and being the coordinator of 3 EU projects (2 LLP partnerships – Comenius and Grundtvig and 1 Erasmus+ KA1), a translator from British and American literature to Romanian and a freelance trainer, I find teaching very challenging due to the huge responsibility teachers have to keep themselves updated with everything new in their subject field and with the most modern teaching techniques and approaches in order to provide their students the best knowledge and ways to achieve it.
Being a Teacher Trainer for the EDUCADEMY PRAGUE is a great opportunity for me because I have the chance to share ideas and good teaching practices with the participants attending our trainings. Moreover, it is also a challenge for me because teachers from different countries are good professionals with years of experience which makes them reliable sources of educational approaches in terms of finding different solutions to common issues teachers and educational systems have to face in many countries.
I highly recommend the courses organized by the  EDUCADEMY PRAGUE to all teachers who want to fully immerse in educational aspects presented in professional ways and with different approaches. I have been first a course participant myself in a training provided by this institution and I was impressed by the wonderful and teacher–friendly atmosphere and by the wide range of things I have learned to improve my teaching, communication and methodological skills.

I look forward to meeting many enthusiastic teachers at the following courses and sharing our experience.