
I am Jakub Dluhosch from Czech Republic and I work as a trainer for ITL Institute. I am currently based in Istanbul, Turkey. I received Master degree in Contemporary Art and Pedagogy from Ostrava University. I also work as a teacher and social worker with refugee children, and I am involved in various projects on multi-cultural education. I have taken part in several Erasmus+ and EVS projects in Portugal, Germany and Poland and I collaborate with several NGOs and institutions such as Goethe Institute or Eskisehir Municipality.
I have volunteering experience in Guatemala and Turkey and I worked with different minorities in Berlin, Germany. This experience gave me the opportunity to value cultural diversity. Ethnically and culturally diverse groups proved to be a unique source of intercultural learning and language acquisation, which are just as valuable as  gaining teaching and training experience.

As a new member of  EDUCADEMY PRAGUE , I am very excited to meet collegues form different parts of Europe. We will be sharing our knowledge and experienc e in different fields of education. Looking forward to meeting you soon …

Jakub Dluhosch