Erasmus+ KA1 Training Courses
**Although the course duration is 10 days, participants will have an option to choose 5 or 7 days.
**The course costs 80 Euros per day per person. (All the courses for the Youth Exchange program are free of charge) 

  • Multicultural

    Approaching Multicultural Issues And Mixed Ability Classes

    The challenge teachers and schools face nowadays is twofold: adopting an intercultural education framework and introducing high-quality teaching that will provide an equal opportunity for learning to all students, regardless of their ethnic origin or other characteristics.Equity is a concept that is often measured in terms of test scores, with educators looking for equal test scores among students of different cultural groups, social classes or sexes. 

  • Immigrant

    Integration of Immigrant Children in Schools

    As a consequence of worldwide waves of immigration there is a permanent increase of ethnically mixed school classes in countries all over the world. However, there is a lack of empirical studies on interethnic relationships which differentiate immigrant children based on their countries of origin.
    This course addresses to the major worldwide issue and aims to give assistance for teachers and other educational professionals who desire to understand their role in tackling it. You will produce classroom-based....

  • parents

    Parenting: Preventing the Burnout of Parents and Caregivers ​

    Raising a special needs child is handling more before noon than most people handle in a week. On the one hand there is the physical workload and the sleep deprivation that affect the quality of your life; on the other hand there is the emotional turmoil and the gap between the expectations and the reality of what is means to be a parent. Still, the parents and caregivers of special needs children

  • dyslexia

    Discovering & Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities​

    Our course includes the necessary studies for the adaptation of individuals with special learning disabilities (DYSLEXIA / DYSGRAPHIA / DYSCALCULIA), who are among individuals with special educational needs in the world, with a large percentage. The course focuses on learning the studies required for children with special needs to be able to replace them among individuals who are considered normal. Trainees will develop their theoretical knowledge and expertise in the field of children with special needs. 

  • greenschools

    My Eco-School and Sustainable Development ​

    At present climate change is affecting every country on every continent. It affects the quality of our life and it will continue to do so, unless we try to educate ourselves and our children to make changes in our lives that will impact the environment less.
    ‘My Eco-school and Sustainable Development’ course addresses teachers and educational staff who want to develop in the area of environmental education, management and sustainable development. It is a training course for 

  • stem

    STEM : A Step For the 21st Century Education

    STEM is an acronym consisting of the initials of the words Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Basically, it is a teaching strategy that envisages the training of different branches by an interdisciplinary method rather than a separate one. With the combined use of different disciplines, this program aims to prepare the project, execute the project, solve the problems encountered in the process and produce the product. With a permanent education method provided by STEM education in the schools, students ........

  • coding

    The Future of Coding in Schools

    Coding is the process of using different cognitive skills together to solve a problem. The first step in solving the problem is a clear understanding and analysis of the problem. Coding provides individuals with multi-directional solutions to problems, encourages to think systematically and creatively, to relate events, to focus on problem solving, to do team work, to think critically. Also, considering the time that children spend at the computer, it will be more useful to direct them to the topic that will be most beneficial to their development.

  • outdoor

    Outdoor Education

    This course aims to prepare teachers, educational staff, educational management and parents to become aware of the importance and benefits of using Outdoor Education principles and techniques in their work with students. Participants will learn by practicing experiential learning activities in outdoor contexts: in the forest/park, in the city, on the beach, in the village/farm. The course comprises lots of practical activities that help us discover the beauty and value of nature and of the city and ways to design and....

  • bullying

    Prevention of Peer Violence – Stop the Silent Epidemic​

    Violence is the ongoing problem in many schools, and schools are supposed to be places with zero tolerance for violence. Violence became a silent epidemic in school, and everybody seems to be powerless about that problem. It is time that every school takes effective measures to prevent the violence. However, there is no use for solving the symptoms, but the real causes of the problem. This course tries to come to the essence of the problem; every student who has a tendency to be violent has his or her story that needs to be heard. How can we, as teachers or pedagogical workers, approach problematic students? 

  • projectbased

    Project Based Learning with Technology

    Most of the times, the lessons in the syllabus follow a logical order and a theme for each unit, but they still seem disconnected to the lessons which are studied the next week. Students fail to see the connection between units or the relevance of some lessons to the world around us. Project Based Learning is a method that brings together teachers of different subjects to plan a sequence of lessons during which the students try to find a solution to a real-life problem. Thus, for a problem like: ‘how can you survive on an island’ teachers of geography.....

  • inclusive

    Education Equity - Inclusive education

    Inclusive education generally means when all students are placed together in one classroom. Imagine when all students, regardless of any challenges they may have, are placed in age-appropriate general education classes to receive high quality instruction, interventions, and supports that enable them to meet success in the core curriculum. The main premise of inclusive education is that students with disabilities are as fundamentally competent as students without disabilities. Consequently, all students can be full participants in their classrooms and in the local school community as well. However, ..... 

  • refugees

    Building the Bridge: Refugees and Schools​

    There has never been a greater need for adapting schools for receiving refugees; sometimes it is necessary to change the whole mindset, to be open to different cultures, and it is usually a long process. Schools are a key factor in instilling the tolerant spirit that our societies need. This course prepares teachers psychologically and pedagogically for working with students coming from different backgrounds. It describes the shortcomings and advantages for all the factors involved: teachers, native students, new coming students, parents, institution. It aims at raising awareness of the new teaching strategies that the teacher needs to approach in order to deliver classes that promote inclusion and tolerance.

  • flipped

    Flipped Classroom - Flip the Class Through ICT ​

    Nowadays blended learning as a new model for organizing the educational process in higher educational establishments attracts the attention of many researchers and educators all over the world. Blended learning is understood as the phenomenon in which face-to-face learning and teaching experiences are combined with online tasks and activities. What will happen if we flip the whole classroom? This is One of the most exciting advancements in the modern classroom. Having lectures at home and „homework“ at school enables students to learn at their own pace. Today there are so many options for online learning; students can easily 

  • coaching

    The Importance of Coaching For 21st Century Teachers ​​​​​​​​​​

    Being a teacher includes also the role of being a  coach, mentor to their students, and teachers have to invest in improving their teaching and coaching skills. What is coaching in its essence? What does it mean to be a coach? All those questions are crucial for every teacher. This course will provide theoretical and practical answer to this complex and important subject. It is of utmost importance for  teachers to develop coaching qualities, and in that way improve yourself as a teacher. 

  • speacial

    Children with Special Needs – Learning Knows No Boundaries​

    The course focuses on work with special needs children. Trainees will improve their theoretical knowledge and expertise in the area of special needs children. They  will also have a chance to see and try many different methods and activities suitable for working with special needs children. They will also see how to adapt existing tasks and assignments in a way that they suit the needs of mixed ability classes. They will discuss how to engage parents in the learning process and how to communicate with them and see how special needs children should be assessed in a way they benefit from it. 

  • gifted


    Gifted education, also referred to as Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), is a term that comprises the methodologies, procedures, practices and theories employed in the education of gifted or talented children. However, there is no universally agreed upon definition of what exactly it means to be gifted. So how we define the term "gifted" as it relates to children? Some educators define giftedness in terms of IQ. Others in terms of academic performance. How giftedness is measured and defined may vary within a given state, district, or individual school.

  • droupout

    Preventing Early School Dropout – A Challenge for Every Teacher

    The course is structured into training modules, each of which focuses upon a particular area related to what teacher can do regarding the prevention of early school dropout. The course provides a platform for the development of teaching materials and tools as well as for discussions, reflection, and feedback. The teachers will get hands-on experience with activities that develop skills that will help prevent early school dropout. 


    New Technologies and Future Classrooms: Educational Apps, Blended Learning and Flipped Learning

    Teaching nowadays is by no means what it was ten years ago. An excellent coursebook and a solid pedagogical background are just not enough for the teachers to motivate students to engage in classroom activities. Especially pre-teenagers and teenagers expect our lessons to resemble their ‘reality’, where their online identities and interests mix and go along with their ‘real’ life.  New technologies appeal to students in class and outside class and the teachers and administrators sometimes feel threatened by the every-growing number of apps and sites which offer online learning programmes. Teachers also try to keep themselves updated with a number of apps they want to use in the classroom, and blended learning methodology.

  • creativity

    Creativity in the Classroom in Theory and Practice​

    This course offers plenty of options of how to make your lessons more creative; teachers of any subject can increase the level of creativity and make their lessons more dynamic, interesting and memorable. Creativity in 21st century classrooms is something of absolute necessity, when teacher has to be maximally engaged to make student interested. The course is structured into training modules, each of which focuses upon a particular area related to creative thinking and its development in education. 


    Creativity and Inclusive Education Using the Waldorf Approach​

    It often happens that in mainstream education, the classes are mixed ability, comprising students of different intellectual and emotional abilities. Also, there are many children with special needs; very often those children are in the classroom together with other children, that have no special needs. The teacher has to deal with all students, special and not special ones. The teacher can feel the pressure to cover the syllabus with unmotivated students and prepare them for tests which do not always reflect the students’ true potential.
    There are creative approaches to teaching and learning which enable both students and teachers to reach their full potential and enjoy the classes. 

  • games

    Gamification - Intelligence Games and Brain Teasers in the Classroom

    This course focuses on active and engaging learning; learning based on games, not on memorizing. According to Bloom’s taxonomy, there are many levels of learning: from remembering to creating.  Remembering is at the very bottom of the learning pyramid, and it is the most present in schools of today. On this course, we will pay great attention on how to use activities in the classroom that are game-based. Participants will learn how to organize their lesson in a more active and engaging way, primarily focusing on learning by doing, and learning through playing. We will compare traditional learning to alternative learning methods. 

  • clil

    CLIL - Content and Language Integrated Learning

    Content and Language Integrated Learning or CLIL basically describes both learning another (content) subject such as physics or math through the medium of a foreign language and learning a foreign language by studying a content-based subject. The basis of CLIL is that content subjects are taught and learned in a language which is not the mother tongue of the learners. It is of utmost importance today to learn foreign languages to communicate to the world, and when language is integrated into the broad curriculum, the process of learning gets much faster. In CLIL, learning is improved through increased motivation and the study of natural language seen in context. When learners are interested in a topic they are motivated to acquire language to communicate.

  • elearning

    Using E-Learning In Education – Benefits Of Itc In The Classroom

    The course focuses on all the various opportunities for using E-learning in education. Trainees will improve their theoretical knowledge and expertise in the area of digital classroom. They will also have a chance to see and try many different methods with ICT in education. They will also see how to adapt existing tasks and assignments in a way that they suit the needs of mixed ability classes. They will discuss how to experience and perform different roles. Trainees will also learn how to engage students of different profiles in education process through  digital classroom. 

  • techmusicdrama

    Learning through Art: Technology, Music and Drama

    This course integrates components of e-learning, drama activities in the classroom and learning through music. Process of learning is complex, and always should include multiple approaches. We will combine seemingly unrelatable: drama, music and technology. Music is a part of child care curriculum; not only that children learn cause and effect when playing the instruments, they also practice fine-motor coordination and learn about emotions. Drama activities enable children to practice empathy and to develop interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. And finally, technology in inevitable fact in every classroom of today – digital classroom can be the vehicle for any art.

  • montessori

    Progressive Approaches To Education: Montessori, Waldorf, Reggio Emilia

    The 21st century teacher is facing various pedagogical approaches that can be challenging to apply in the traditional classroom. Progressive education appeared as a counter reaction to traditional education. It mainly focuses on experience and experiential learning, it values the child’s talents and it is not so much concerned with formal learning. The students learn mostly through experience, collaboration and play, thus the main aim of progressive approaches is to turn the learning really student-centred. This course focuses on trying and using teaching techniques from other educational systems:

  • montessori

    Montessori and Drama in Education ​

    21st century teacher is faced with various pedagogical approaches that can be challenging to apply in traditional classroom. One of those approaches is Montessori, developed by Italian doctor and educator Maria Montessori. She made an extensive research on holistic child's development, and the results were amazing. Montessori Method is based on human development, and the stages of child's development is crucially important to learning. In this approach, the discovery model is crucially important; when children themselves learn concepts from using the materials. Environment is very important in this approach, as well as learning materials. 

  • drama

    Classroom As A Stage: Using Drama in Education Process​

    The importance of drama and performing arts in education is significant. Whether children have the opportunity to perform in theatre productions or help out behind the scenes, studying Drama and Performing Arts not only engages with the creative side of the brain, it also provides an ideal balance in students’ patterns of study. It’s easy for children to become swamped in a sea of theory, which is why subjects that offer practical learning are essential. The course focuses on using drama as a teaching tool in education. Trainees will improve their theoretical knowledge and expertise in the area of drama. They  will also have a chance to see and try many different methods and activities suitable applying role-playing and other various drama activities  in the classroom.

  • inquary

    Learning Based On Inquiry - A Modern Challenge for Teachers​​

    The course is structured into training modules and each module focuses on a particular aspect of Inquiry-based learning in educational institutions: what Inquiry-based learning is; how to use it with students of all ages and in every subject field; steps in developing projects based on Inquiry-based learning; advantages and consequences of using this method in classroom; how to form groups and guide students’ teams to work together in complex projects; how to encourage students to ask questions, to investigate and to find answers. Each module provides knowledge, methodology, insights, skills and practical approaches to better explain what Inquiry-based learning is and how it can be applied in the classroom..........

  • leadership

    Leadership & Entrepreneurship Skills - The Key to Effective Collaboration

    The course is structured into training modules and each module focuses on a particular aspect of leadership in educational institutions: what leadership is; how to become a leader; how a manager can become a leader in a school institution; how a teacher can become a leader for his students; how a teacher can become a leader in the teachers’ teams he is involved; how to educate students to become leaders in their groups. Each module provides knowledge, methodology, insights, skills and practical approaches to better explain what leadership is and how it can be achieved. The course offers guidance on how to become a leader due to a wide range of practical activities and challenging workshops..........

  • innovation

    Problem Solving and Task Based Learning: Innovation in the Classroom

    This course focuses on active learning; learning based on tasks, not on memorising. According to Bloom’s taxonomy, there are many levels of learning: from remembering to creating.  Remembering is at the very bottom of the learning pyramid, and it is the most present in schools of today. On this course we will pay great attention on how to use activities in the classroom that stimulate processes such as analysing, evaluating, applying and creating. Participants will learn how to organise their lesson in more active way, primarily focusing on learning by doing. We will compare traditional learning to alternative learning methods. 

  • pisa

    Preparing Students for Pisa Testing: Students of Today Getting Ready For the World of Tomorrow​​

    Everybody knows about PISA testing, but how many teachers know how to prepare their students for PISA? PISA, or Programme for International Study Assessment, became one of the main measures for how successful education is in each country. It is important for teachers to have skills for preparing students for PISA testing, because it is not only about one test; it is about variety of skills that students have to develop in order to be successful in the world of tomorrow.  This course will provide new approach to learning; teachers will be equipped with alternative methods that 

  • cooperative

    Cooperative Learning for Student-Based Approach Classroom

    The course focuses on changing the paradigm – from teacher-based approach to student-based approach in education through cooperative learning. Trainees will improve their theoretical knowledge and expertise in the area of cooperative learning. They  will also have a chance to see and try many different methods and cooperative activities.  They will also see how to adapt existing tasks and assignments in a way that they suit the needs of mixed ability classes. They will discuss how to experience and perform different roles. Trainees will also learn how to engage students of different profiles in education process.  

  • critical-thinking

    Critical Thinking in Teaching Curriculum and Enhancing Students’ Motivation

    The course is structured into training modules and each module focuses on a particular aspect of critical thinking in educational institutions: what critical thinking is; when and how to use it with students of all ages and in every subject field; steps in redesigning lessons and activities based on critical thinking; advantages and consequences of using this method in classroom; how to form groups and guide students’ teams to work together in complex activities based on critical thinking; how to encourage students to ask questions, to investigate and find answers. 

  • quality

    Quality Development for Effective Instruction and Continuous Improvement of Education​​​​​​

    The course is about quality in educational institutions and it is structured into training modules: what quality systems are; how to use quality systems to have effective instruction and outcomes; steps in organizing action plans based on PDCA cycle of quality; advantages and consequences of using the quality systems in classroom; how to form groups and guide students’ teams to work together in complex activities based on group forming and dynamics. Each module provides theoretical aspects, methodology, skills and practical .....

  • comminication

    Teaching and Communication in the Classroom​​​​

    The course focuses on improving communication skills. Trainees will improve their theoretical knowledge and expertise in the area of communication. They  will also have a chance to see and try many different methods and activities suitable applying learner-based approach in the classroom. They will also see how to adapt existing tasks and assignments in a way that they suit the needs of mixed ability classes. They will discuss how to engage parents in the learning process and how to communicate with them. 

  • cm

    Academic Success through Classroom Management ​​

    Effective classroom management is of utmost importance because it sets the stage for teaching and learning. However, classroom which is chaotic and disorganised, as a result of poor classroom management, is highly unlikely to enhance students' academic performance. Moreover, the teacher might find the activities tiring and dissatisfying. Classroom management differs from one teacher to another, depending on teacher's personality, teaching style, number of students in the classroom, and other factors.

  • Psychomotor

    Behavioural Sensory Psychomotor Skills in Autism​

    Autism as a psychiatric disease is neurological disorder which literally means to be locked inside. It is usually manifested until the age of 30 months of life, but also later. Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences.
    There has been a constant increase of autism, and very definition of autism has been applied to conditions which are not autism. However, there is not only one autism.

  • Project

    Project Management: How to Make Your School International

    The course focuses on preparation of Erasmus+ projects. It is aimed to help teachers who want to apply and participate in EU-funded projects – KA1, KA2 and KA3. Trainees will improve their theoretical knowledge and expertise in the area of project preparation. They will also have a chance to practice how to write the project, how to set up a partnership in Erasmus+ and how to apply successfully for an Erasmus+ grant. They will also see how to develop the intercultural competences of the teachers taking part in international projects. They will discuss how to complete.......

  • speechtherapy

    Speech Therapy: Stop the Silence​

    The course gives insight about the speech therapy as a part of special education. Speech therapy is type of therapy aimed at children having a problem with certain speech or language skills. Speech therapy is the treatment for most children with speech or language disorders. However, there are many types of speech disorders, and it is important to initially make a right diagnosis. This course will give basic instructions how to deal with the most common disorders: articulation, fluency and voice disorders; receptive, expressive and cognitive – communication disorders; dysphagia/oral feeding disorders. The trainer will present theoretical part of the speech therapy, but the emphasis will be on the practical exercises with children with speech disorders.